

布衛生巾與即棄衛生巾一樣,有日用、夜用不同長度,亦有以有機棉製作的款式;Eco Femme 走入印度的社區,除了教授婦女對生理期的知識外,更鼓勵她們製作布製衛生棉出售,多門手藝,改善生活。布製衛生棉收益會用作幫助印度農村婦女使用衛生巾及推廣正向月事教育。

月經杯則有不同容量,下端的把柄方便用家把杯從陰道內取出,Ruby Cup更是以社企形式經營,每當你購入一個Ruby Cup,你不單在為自己投資一個清爽無負擔的月事經驗,你同時亦在將這好處分享給有需要的女生。透過Ruby Cup的「買一贈一計劃」,你簡單的一個消費行動便能為有需要女性的生活質素帶來改善,為她們的生命帶來改變。

【Have you ever thought about how many disposable sanitary napkins you have been consumed in your lifetime?】

A girl’s life goes through 39 years and nearly 500 menstrual periods, uses 15 thousand disposable sanitary napkins and each piece with plastic materials. Disposable sanitary napkins contain harmful chemical ingredients such as bleach, disinfectant, artificial flavor; in addition, the film is not breathable, which easily causes female inflammation.

In fact, there are more environmentally friendly and comfortable choices for girls to make menstruation less embarrassed. In recent years, more options such as Reusable Cloth Menstrual Sanitary Pads and Menstrual Cups have appeared. These options make girls feel more convenient and unrestrained.

Similar to disposable sanitary napkins, Reusable Cloth Menstrual Sanitary Pads are made of organic cotton and have different lengths for daily use and night use. In India, Eco Femme educates women about menstruation health, they encouraged them to make cloth sanitary napkins for sale, so as to improve their lives. The proceeds from selling sanitary napkins will be used to help rural women in India and also promote menstruation health.

The menstrual cup has different capacities. The lower handle is convenient for users to remove the cup from The menstrual cup has different capacities. The lower handle is convenient for users to remove the cup from the vagina. The Ruby Cup is operated in the form of a social enterprise and it believes every woman deserves to have the right to manage her menstruation period safely and with dignity. So when you buy a Ruby Cup, Ruby Cup will donate one to a woman or girl without proper menstrual care products.

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