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OOObject – Hong Kong Design: MID Eco Friendly Upcycled 廚餘啞鈴手柄(免費禮品袋)

Reuse | Regenerate | Recycle
Eco Friendly Product | Eco Friendly Gift

Features of Product:

  • Original brand from Hong Kong
  • Made of different kind of food residues, including coffee grounds, beer lees and grape pomace, etc.
  • Turns two bottles of beverage into a dumbbell, and easily exercise at home
  • Green product. Eco-friendly yet exquisite, stylish and practical
  • Comes with an environmental friendly gift bag
  • Design for Asia Awards 2014 – Grand Award and Sustainability Award

*Excluding water bottles

$ 176.00

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The forerunner of the dumbbell, were used in ancient Greece as lifting weights and also as weights in the ancient Greek version of the long jump. A kind of dumbbell was also used in India for more than a millennium, shaped like a club – so it was named Indian club. It was generally used in pairs, in workouts by sports players, wishing to increase strength and muscle size.This holder is biodegradable and made of recycled food wastes. The weight are depends on the bottles size and what kind of inserting; water, sands, screw nuts……. Think more for creation.





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