原產加拿大,全新配方紅苺香味的 exampleG#百里香消毒噴霧 正式隆重登場~



【my shopping idea: A 100% natural disinfectant?】

exampleG presents us, the all new Thyme Disinfectant with Cranberry fragrance, originated in Canada !

Proven by EPA of the thymol disinfecting efficacy being similar as the bleach! Killing 99% of germs, combining a disinfectant, deodorant, and cleanser into one single package. Say goodbye to all the worries of your dearest pets feeling uncomfortable or getting any allergies as its ingredients are purely natural and 0% harm.

Replacing the traditional clumsy bottle with a stylish and portable design, Goodbye Germs remodels your tiring day.



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