Defense soap – 美國國防香皂(薄荷)

Defense Soap Bar (Peppermint) – 4oz
․Contains premium grade tea tree and eucalyptus oils
․Added with peppermint oil – known to be refreshing and stimulating, and can cool down inflammation caused by skin irritations
․Suitable for people with normal to oily skin
․Contains no harmful chemicals or steroids, suitable for children and people with sensitive skin
․Triple milled for quality, consistency, and longevity
․PH balanced to restore skin flora

$ 82.00

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分類: 標籤:

․Signature product of the Defense Soap line
․Premium quality all-natural soap bar formulated with 1% tea tree oil, 0.5% eucalyptus oil and 0.5% peppermint oil
․Natural ingredients are effective in relieving skin issues
․Manufactured in FDA regulated facilities, triple milled for quality (total fatty matter >77%), consistency and durability
․PH balanced to restore healthy skin flora
․High density lather for deep cleansing pores
․Superior rinsing action
․Manufactured in the USA
․100% natural; free & clear; no fragrances, artificial coloring, cosmetics, petrochemical compounds, triclosan, alcohol, or sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)
․Directions: Apply a small amount of soap and work into lather. Allow the lather to remain on the skin for a few moments before rinsing



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