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Defense soap - 加拿大防禦萬能藥膏(茶樹、桉樹、維生素 A、E 和各種精油)

Canada Defense Healing Salve – 1oz

․Extremely high-quality, all-natural salve designed to aid in the healing of small scrapes, scratches, pimples, mosquitoes bites and other skin-related issues

․All-natural botanical base consisting of various essential oil, vitamin E, essential oils blend of tea tree, eucalyptus and thyme

․Formulated with 5% of our active ingredients (tea tree and eucalyptus oils) added with Vitamin A and E to help heal the skin

․Naturally moisturize and nourish your skin

$ 208.00

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分類: 標籤:

․Extremely high-quality, all-natural salve designed to aid in the healing of small scrapes, scratches, pimples, mosquitoes bites and other skin-related issues
․Softens, heals and soothes the skin naturally; can be applied directly to the infected area
․Formulated with 5% of our active ingredients (tea tree and eucalyptus oils) added with Vitamin A and E to help heal the skin
․All-natural botanical base consisting of chickweed, plantain, comfrey, yarrow, calendula, goldenseal, marshmallow, olive oil, grape seed oil, beeswax, almond oil, vitamin E, essential oils blend of tea tree, eucalyptus and thyme
․For best result, use in conjunction with the Defense Essential Oil
․Manufactured in Canada
․100% natural; free & clear; no fragrances, artificial coloring, cosmetics, petrochemical compounds, triclosan, alcohol, or sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)
․Directions: Apply directly to skin several times a day until desired results are achieved



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