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Defense soap – 美國防禦修護沐浴露(含有優質茶樹和桉樹油)

Defense Shower Gel (Tea Tree Oil) – 4oz
․No SLS, 100% natural
․Made with moisturizing organic oils of coconut and olive, and aloe vera
․Contains premium grade tea tree and eucalyptus oils
․Suitable for all skin types, including children and people with sensitive skin
․PH balanced to restore skin flora

$ 186.00

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分類: 標籤:

․High-quality, deep-cleansing natural soap that gently cleanses and nourishes the skin
․Formulated with skin nourishing coconut oil, and added with a full 2% of unadulterated tea tree and eucalyptus oils
․Same effectiveness as the soap bar but more nourishing for the skin
․Contains unadulterated natural essential oils that are effective in relieving skin issues
․PH balanced to restore healthy skin flora
․Rinses free and clear
․Safe for sensitive skin
․Manufactured in the USA
․100% natural; free & clear; no fragrances, artificial coloring, cosmetics, petrochemical compounds, triclosan, alcohol, or SLS
․Directions: Apply a small amount of soap and work into a thick lather. Allow the lather to remain on your body for 30-45 seconds then rinse thoroughly



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