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Defense soap - 美國防禦精油(用於舒緩皮膚問題)

Defense Essential Oil – 1oz
․Made with 100% natural pharmaceutical grade essential oils, effectively repair skin problems
․Ingredients: 50% Australian tea tree oil, 25% eucalyptus oil and 25% jojoba oi

$ 198.00

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․Ingredients: 50% Australian Tea Tree Oil, 25% Eucalyptus Oil and 25% Jojoba Oil
․Premium tea tree and eucalyptus oils are effective in relieving different skin problems
․Jojoba oil is a carrier oil that deliveries essential oils and brings nutrients and life to the skin
․Manufactured in the USA
․100% natural; free & clear; no fragrances, artificial coloring, cosmetics, petrochemical compounds, triclosan, alcohol, or sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)
․Directions: Apply on skin 3 times a day until desired results are achieved



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